Saturday, August 25, 2012

Rad friends

See, I am so lucky because I have these really rad friends who invite us to do these unique and fun activities. I mean, the kind of activities that my kids will talk about for days. Butterfly exhibit? Had no idea that existed. Hayrack ride at Heritage Park with hot dogs and s'mores over a fire afterward? Holy great idea. Roller skating? Yep, been there a million times growing up but never considered it for my kids. Well thank you AMY because we love it all. And we are blessed to be invited. On Wednesday, we went to Skate City (formerly Skateland South). I have spent many a Friday night here in my middle school days. Never imagined I'd be skating my little chicklins around and watching them giggle, dance and sweat all at the same time.

High school friends - coming back here felt like being a the Twilight Zone. It looks exactly the same. Yet, back then I thought it was so much bigger.

Remember those round sitting benches?

Walkers equals much less frustration for the kids. Walkers equals independence.

Apparently my children get a hold of my iPhone a lot and do crazy things like make silly faces and take  photo booth pictures. I find these in my photo stream and have to laugh.

Cole is really into Where's Waldo books right now. He knows where every Waldo is already yet he is proud of himself for "finding" it each time. Then I throw a wrench into things and tell him to find the Wizard and it slows him down a little.

Today was Lily's first soccer game. Saturday morning. 8 AM. As we walked in, we said "and so it begins. The world of weekend sports for our kids." We have heard about this. We know that life gets crazy with practices, games, new jerseys, meeting new friends, etc. It is starting. And I think we will love it.

Twenty-one days ago Lily started begging me for a lego set - this one to be exact.

We spent 21 days "earning" it by her doing extra chores, being extra considerate, helping out her brother, etc. We marked the calendar and every morning she counted down the number of days until she got her set. We got it today. We came home at 11 am and she worked on it until 4:30. She said she "didn't have time" to eat lunch so we forced her to eat a granola bar at 1 pm. With a lot of help from her daddy, she finished it. All.

She completely amazes me. My brain doesn't work the way hers and Daddy's works. Give me instructions on how to put something and I can't get through step 4 without needing to step away to clear my head.

Hilarious thing: Lily flaps her arms and legs when she gets excited. I kept hearing pounding on her floor all afternoon, knowing full well that those arms and legs were a flappin'. I'll be so sad when that trait of hers goes away.

As far as Lily Cole Designs, embroidery has been keeping me busy. Here are 2 orders I just finished last week. I absolutely adore this child's drawings. It is such a beautiful thing to see what their little hands create.

And a NEW illustration! Zac Brown Band is our fave band and this line (from Highway 20 Ride) has always touched me. There is no statement that better describes how I feel about my little family. I want to hang this in both kids' rooms and our bedroom. I'm sure I won't, but I would. I'm crazy like that.

And some other exciting & amazing opportunities for Lily Cole Designs are forming - details to come.
Happy rest of weekend everyone! Grandparents are coming tomorrow and we can't wait!!

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